Tuesday 6 March 2012

Two Outings

A very murky looking pool, with lots of strange looking objects ... the water temperature dropped from 7C to just over 6C - however this decline came with a bonus: less wind which was truly a welcomed addition to this morning's swim! Alex thought it felt much colder than yesterday and he got out after 12 lengths (in contrast to his 18 from yesterday!) Vince did 2 less - and swam 6 ... I had 4lengths in mind before even thinking about the possible drop in temperature ... I was happy about the lack of wind and felt really good this morning!

when arriving at the Lido this morning,
all I could see was a solitary swimming cap floating amongst dead leaves ...

no... wait... there was also a sheet of paper floating around ...

what could that evidence possibly point to??
taking a closer look at the sheet of paper it read "deep end"
yes, I was at the deep end of the pool alright ...
and the water looked terribly murky this morning ..
could there possibly be another unidentified body floating around?

wait ... I can spot one ... here ... fortunately this one is alive!
It's Jonathan - what a relief!!

but why is the water as murky as it is? why the green cap?
and why are there so many leaves floating around?
would they be concealing something?!

I dropped my camera back in the water do see what else I could capture ...
just that sheet of paper ... clearly one that belongs to the lifeguards

Suddenly Angus popped up in the deep end ...
I hadn't seen him approach - he was all smiles .. possibly because he was about to get out ?!
"One length is enough.."
and out he climbed ...

choosing the long way down the entire length of the pool ...
all I could hear him say (to himself) was :
"that's a bit of a long way to the sauna ..! or maybe I won't have a sauna today ..?!"

My investigation continued ...
I was still looking for a floating body ...
Along came Alex making his way through the leaves
I concluded that there was (fortunately) no missing body ...

and I could finally make my way down to the shallow end, following Alex

meeting Vince on his way up to the deep end .
I always find it hard to resist taking pictures of Vince,
gliding along, eyes closed, fully ensconsed in a blissful moment

I missed Alex's tumble turn in the deep end
as I had this other picture amongst the leaves (see above) in mind ...
I've taken similar shots of Alex before ...
yet, it still makes me chuckle to catch Alex's 2 legs up in the air

in this shot it shows how well Alex finishes the stroke with his pulling arm ...
it's all the way down by his side

When finishing my 4th lengths, Hilary came up behind me,
touched the edge of the shallow end only to push off for another 2 lengths in murky looking water.
Hilary's costume made it into the pool twice today ... Margy had forgotten her cosy and had no other choice but to step into Hilary's warm (from the sauna) yet (still) wet cosy for a quick swim!


  1. The pump pipes were flushed out yesterday and large clouds of rusty murky water entered the clear blue of the pool. Swimming through it was like being in a very cloudy river but neither Carl or I have suffered any side effects. This might account for the murkiness of the water.

  2. ahhhh, ok -thanx for the update!
