Coming out my front door this morning there was no escaping the cold ... the frost had been back over night .. albeit not too heavily - car windscreens and roofs had a thin layer of ice. Ice also featured on the grass on the common. The paddle pool was frozen.
The pool itself was (fortunately) ice free - but the water temperature would have definitely been affected by the cold night. Michael was walking up the long side of the pool and when we crossed one another he simply said, almost filled with joy : "this is more like real winter now!"
As I reached the shallow end of the pool, Alex was tumble turning ...
and gasping for air ... he swam 6 lengths again today ... when most "hardies" cut down to 4 or even "only" 2 lengths (count me in for 2 lengths!)!
next Tricky appeared ... I just missed his post sauna plunge
(but heard it while I was changing!)
I never got round to asking Tricky how many lengths he swam this morning ..
but judging by his exuberant reaction ... not only at seeing me ...
he must have swam quite a few!
Vince as ever, in trance!
As I finished my second length, Pip was approaching the steps and asked me: "can I do 2 lengths?" Of course you can ... to which I got a half hearted smile ... :) "yes, Pip, you can!"
I crawled out, grabbed my camera ... hands rather frozen, and watched which way Pip would turn, up (to do lengths)? or sideways (to do widths)?
up!! well done Pip! ... over to you, I'm off to the sauna ... can't feel my hands at all .. no, I can actually : they HURT!
this is when the "odd couple" recruited another ("mad man") and became "The Three Musketeers"
Pip leading the way followed by Ian (on the left) and Nando (on the right)
yes, Nando... you want to do what..?
ahhh, I see, a Bbbbbbb...
.... bbbBOMB!!!
next .... : 2 dives ?! ok then ..
ready steady ... ggggg .. noooo
Pip lost his balance and only had one way to go while Ian was still getting ready!
the they both swam a width - not sure why Ian is waving?!
Nando is looking on ... rather bemused
Nick didn't want to know (his "play pal", Jonathan, wasn't here ... )
so he went off to have his shower
David on his way to take the water temperature -
he made it just .. but only just, over 3C,
that's cold!
The Three (lido) Musketeers - reunited -
after their separate show pieces
For some January stats go the Alex's blog dated Jan 31st